OK, everyone else is blogging so I might just do that too. We'll see how long I'll stand it. Snow everywhere (although you don't really see how awful it is on that picture). I think I'll just stay at home today. Doesn't look very thrilling. I've actually got curtains for one window now. Someone might actually take this for a home if these improvements keep coming. One of my brothers was babysitting my nephew, and they came over to my place on saturday, so bro took the opportunity to fasten the curtains and assemble my new CD rack. Very nice of him, it had been lying around in its original packaging for a few months (and the curtains since christmas). I really should get som work done. I guess my customers would expect that of me. I spent half night reading SnoppKOM, a couple of hours trying to repair my laptops network interfaces in Windows (which got smacked by my attempts of installing PGPFreeware (most notably PGPNet fucked up the adapter-protocol bindings in the Windows registry, or something like that. Thanks to a helpful friend (thanks, pLu), it was recovered by forcing a re-installation of the TCP/IP protocol stack on each NIC (there are friggin five of them on this computer)). And when I finally got that working, I spent the rest of the night reading jwz's grunts. Not a very productive night, and now it's lunch time. Dammit. I should clean up this messy apartment too, but at least there are no moral obligations to take care of that part of my life, yet. now, let me get some work done (ha-ha).