OK, so I don't feel doomed anymore. Actually, I feel quite content for a change, even though at least half of today was part nightmarish, with growling customers and unpaid work. But I think I did pretty well, and the afternoon went well. Signed up for a new project. Drank a lot of coffee. Ate indian food. Right now I'm sitting on the train, on my way home, and it feels like I'll fall asleep any minute now. Which isn't a very good source of inspiration, of course. And I'm hungry too. I was about to eat some McD junk while waiting for the (late) train, but for some reason I didn't, and instead bought me a comics paper. Urrrgh. My brain is sooo slow now. I think I'll just submit this and then relax a litte. The train staff just said that we will be in Katrineholm in about twenty to twenty five minutes. That's just enough time to fall asleep and not waking up where you should. It hasn't happened to me in many years, actually. I remember doing that a couple of times some time in 1998; ending up in Hallsberg (whereof one of the times were when I was supposed to go to some kind of party at my grandma's, and had to call and explain to her why I was like four hours late... however, in that particular company you can always blame your tiredness on that you're working so terribly hard, and you're excused). OK, maybe I'll write more when I get home (but hopefully I'll just eat something and drop to bed), or maybe not. Good night.